Timber Clearance Sale

The below packs of cabinet timbers and construction timbers are available as pack lots only, at significantly discounted prices. Some packs are displayed on multiple lines where they have a mix of sectional sizes. Where R is noted next to a thickness, it denotes random width.

Please contact us for a pricelist on 02 4869 1322 or sales@strade.com.au. We have photos available of the contents of many packs.

Species Description Sectional Size Quantity Pack No.
Chinese Elm75x75&100x100Pack dimensions 2.6m x 0.5m x 0.25m2100
Euro BeechRandom width25RPack 2.6 x 0.9 x 0.332048
Fiji Mahogany68x681/3.0, 1/2.7, 1/2.4, 3/2.1, 10/1.2, 19/0.92080
Fiji Mahogany100x10012/2.1, 1/1.8, 14/1.5, 2/0.8, 3/0.4
Fiji Mahogany100x757/4.2, 2/3.6, 2/3.0, 1/2.7, 2/2.4, 1/2.1,
2/1.8, 2/1.5, 1/1.22184
Fiji Mahogany68x681/5.1, 6/4.8, 1/3.3, 2/3.0, 3/2.7, 5/2.4,
2/2.1, 1/1.8, 1/1.5, 1/1.22185
Maple (QLD)25R (75-125)Pack dimensions 2.7m x 0.7m x 0.12m2198
Myrtle (Tas)75x25427LM (0.6-3.4)2095
NZ Rimu90x904/2.7, 7/2.4, 4/2.1, 2/2.0, 4/1.8, 4/1.5,
11/1.2, 7/1.0, 3/0.9, 5/0.8, 5/0.7, 10/0.62076
Radiata PineF.J.190x338/5.42026
Radiata PineF.J.90x1942/5.42029
Radiata PinePrimepine VJ138x18174LM2113
Radiata PinePrimepine Regency85x11108/5.42116
Radiata PineH3RH45x4547/4.22125
Radiata PineH3 Sawn Palings100x15275/2.12132
Radiata PineH3 Sawn Palings150x12160/1.82131
Radiata PineH3 Sawn Palings150x12330/1.82133
Radiata Pine (H3 Primed)DAR66x1877/5.42036
Radiata Pine (H3 Primed)DAR30x3054/5.42041
Radiata Pine (H3 Primed)DAR66x6618/5.42042
Silky Oak - QLDRandom width25RPack dimensions 2.4m x 0.9m x 0.47m2049
Teak - PlantationRandom width25RPack dimensions 2.4m x 0.5m x 0.175m2090